pogosta vprašanja in odgovori

1. vprašanja o čebeljih pridelkih

7 * pomladni cvetlični med I iz sedmerokrake zvezde, siebenstern honig 7 * pomladni cvetlični med I iz sedmerokrake zvezde, siebenstern honig[/captionBele lise v kristaliziranem medu oz. “medeni cvet” nastane v medovih z nizko vsebnostjo vode. Ponavadi se na površini, ob steni ali tudi v nostranjosti kozarca medu oblikujejo področja, ki imajo videz belih lis. To je posledica kristalizacije, pri kateri med medenimi kristali nastanejo prazna področja oz. majhni zračni mehurčki in površina postane bele barve. To je naraven pojav pri kristalizaciji medu, ki ne vpliva na kakovost medu.

To avoid damaging the transmitter, you should 

Every computer or phone screen has its own settings. Therefore, there can be a slight difference in colour between the photo .

2. vprašanja o načinu čebelarjenja

Sorry to hear you’re not satisfied with your purchase! But, no worries, we will find a solution.

First of all, make sure you followed the instructions when applying the patch. You received the instructions when you ordered the patches (they can also be found here). If you didn’t, you should follow them closely next time.

A small percentage of users will be less satisfied with patches because their skin is not fully compatible with the medical tape from which the patch is made. In this case, contact us at info@2sweet4me.com and we will work together to find a suitable solution.

See also our Returns and Refunds Policy in our Terms and Conditions.

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